Eseehc inoracaM

I will never forget the horror. The worst day of my life. Just thinking of it makes me feel nauseous, but I need to get this off my chest.
It was a Saturday afternoon, I loved macaroni cheese, it was the best type of meal. I'd eat it every week. The cheesiness was amazing.
I'd just reheated a bowl of macaroni cheese from last night for lunch.
I went into my room and turned on my Playstation 4. I took out my copy of Assassin's Creed Unity, the second best thing to macaroni cheese, and was holding the disk in my hand, when suddenly, it fell into my bowl of macaroni cheese.
That was when everything changed I pulled the disk out and wiped it clean, washed and dried it. I checked for scratches, and when I was satisfied, I inserted the disk into the slot, unaware of the squelching sound it made.
I started up the game as usual, with the Ubisoft logo, which for some reason, had turned a bright shade of yellow, which I dismissed as a glitch on the screen when the main menu appeared as normal.
I continued with my current game and started off outside the Assassin underground hideout. What was weird was the fact that some of the civilian AI's didn't have faces, their heads were completely blank and they were all dripping with some a strange bright yellow goo, the same colour that had appeared on the intro logo.
As I pushed the left analog stick forward, the civilians all stopped what they were doing, turned round and stared at the main character, Arno, their blank faces following him as he walked through the streets of Paris, which was also covered in the same bright yellow goo.
This is when everything started going wrong, as I realised that this yellow goo was macaroni cheese, and it had started appearing everywhere in the streets, pouring out of windows and doors, the game began to flicker and I could see the civilians now running around, panicking and screaming while vomiting macaroni cheese mixed with hyper realistic blood.
I forced Arno into climbing up a nearby house, just as hyper realistic blood mixed with macaroni cheese started pouring out of the windows and onto the ground, some covering his robes.
I reached the top of the house and started jumping from rooftops, the screaming down below getting louder and louder, the whole of Paris being flooded with blood and macaroni cheese, the game becoming buggier and buggier.
Suddenly a huge macaroni cheese monster appeared dripping hyper realistic blood and screaming at Arno, I could just make out the words "Piss pot" as the screaming became louder, I threw my headphones onto my desk and tried going to the Playstation home screen, but the controller was squirting hyper realistic blood and melted cheese into my face. I tried ejecting the disk but all that came out of the slot was more melted cheese and blood.
I stood back from my desk which had now also started spewing the cheesy, bloody, pasta combination all over my room. My TV screen, computer, consoles and floor were bursting and blood and cheese was flooding the room.
I raced for the front door of my house, not bothering to chuck on any shoes, and the neighbourhood had been filled with macaroni cheese and blood, people vomiting the stuff everywhere, then I started vomiting macaroni cheese!! Then like that, it all stopped, as I fell to the ground and blacked out.
I woke up in my own bed. There was no blood, no melted cheese, no pasta. I got up and looked around. I walked out of my bedroom door, everything was normal. I turned round to my room again, assuming that it had all been nothing but a nightmare. That was until I noticed... Sitting on my desk... Was a red spotted bowl... And in that bowl... Was some macaroni cheese.